dijous, 31 de juliol del 2008

Hakan Strand

”I remember the first time I saw a photograph being developed in front of my eyes. It was in the darkroom in school, back in 1973. It was a magic moment. Ever since that day, I have had a passion for black and white photography. I work with analog cameras and traditional black and white film, and I still find the darkroom a place of magic.”

Strand Photography

Little Lighthouse

Guiding Light


Stepping Stones

Along The Watchtowers

dilluns, 28 de juliol del 2008

Marc Krutiak

"My photography is exclusively black & white and represents the opposite of my daily life, which can be quite hectic. By removing distractions and clutter I attempt to create images that are pure and elemental".

Marc Krutiak Photography
10% Donated to Surfrider Foundation

Relics #13

Lifeguard Chair

Plum Cove Study #2

Boston Skyline #3

Bodega Bay Study #6

dijous, 24 de juliol del 2008

Xavier Rey

"Born in Albi (France) in 1974, I have been practicing photography for several years just for immortalizing special events happening with my relatives.

It was only in 2005, when I arrived in Bordeaux that I gave to the photography a different sense.

I joined the collective of SPBordeaux photographers, where it became a reel passion for me.

Being of an eclectic nature, I am trying all photographic types.

Through the meeting other photographers, and my passion for marine landscapes, I give little by little to my work an orientation to a photographic style, where square format and the long exposure become two evidences.

My approach with the photography has something instinctive, like an impulse which makes me press on the shutter release at a precise time in order to capture the place, the ambiance, people..."

Xavier Rey

Xavier Rey on artlimited



Freedom`s dream

On the way

La barque

Adam Clutterbuck

"In my landscape photography, I seek out strong and stripped down compositions, concentrating on scenes within the wider landscape - often featuring only a small number of compositional elements. Born in West Cornwall, UK, I grew up surrounded by the sea, and it is with little surprise that I find the majority of my photographs at the coast".
Adam Clutterbuck

5m To End

Lighthouse and Storm

Maer Rocks

The Cobb I

dimarts, 15 de juliol del 2008

Menció en el portal Microsiervos

Navengant per internat vaig trovar una menció de les meves fotos al conegut portal Microsiervos.
Vaig decidirme a escriure`ls per agraïr la publicitat i em van demanar que escrigués breument com feia les fotos, i així ho vaig fer. Aqui teniu els dos links, per ordre d`aparició de la web:


Navegando por internet encontré una mención mía en el portal Microsiervos. Decidí escribirles para agradecerles la mención y me pidieron que contara brevemente como hacía las fotos, de modo que así lo hice. Aqui tenéis los dos links, por orden de aparición en la web:


Exposició Online

Carles Calero, a través de la seva galeria Online, Terra de Ningú, ha tingut la gentilesa de voler exposar algunes de les meves fotos. L`exposició, anomenada T i m e l e s s, està actualment disponible a la web per a qui estigui interessat... De nou moltes gràcies a Terra de Ningú pel seu interés.

Carles Calero, a través de su galería Online, Terra de Ningú, ha tenido la gentileza de exponer algunas de mis fotografías.
T i m e l e s s es el nombre de la exposición y actualmente está disponible en la web para quién pueda estar interesado... Muchas gracias de nuevo a Terra de Ningú por su interés.
