diumenge, 24 d’agost del 2008

Singh Ray Filters blog

Las personas que utilizamos filtros ND y ND graduados conocemos de la existencia de la marca Singh Ray. Gozan de buena reputación y grandes fotografos los utilizan... recientemente me pasé por su pagina web y descubrí que habían abierto un blog con artículos diversos. En ellos hablan algunos fotografos y muestran sus trabajos. Lo más interesante es como cuentan el uso que hacen de sus filtros. Muy aconsejable.

People who use filters know the existence of Singh Ray. Recently I visited the website and I discovered they opened a blog.
It`s very interesting to see the varied photographers and how they work with their filters... Highly recommended!

dissabte, 16 d’agost del 2008

Steen Doessing

"To many my work represents a state of tranquillity, of Zen, of calm but also of drama. I'm often asked if this is who I am, or if my art is a way of escaping from something else. My answer is that this state is something I am celebrating! A state of harmony and balance – a state of equilibrium!

Using long exposures, sometimes hours, I'm capturing a slow-motion sequence of seemingly infinite movements and changes surrounding static objects and letting these elements blend into a single visual plane. It is the graphic representation of the determination and resilience of these static objects against the gentle yet powerful calm of their surroundings that to me signifies the equilibrium.

For me, photography is a visual medium that offers me the opportunity to express the way I see and feel things around me. I don’t take pictures! – I make photographs! Some people like them – some don’t! You see what you see!"

Steen Doessing

Ghostly Tide


West Pier Study 3


Rocks and Wash Study 5